
In Parikkala there are many options for accommodation, no matter if you are travelling on your own, with your family or with a large group. It is up to you to choose if you want to spend the night in the middle of the nature or close to the centre and services. In certain places you can find hiking routes or skiing tracks starting right from the backyard of the hotel or rental cottage.

Parikkala offers you hotels, cottages and many other types of accommodation choices. There are also caravan parks and camping sites. Check out all the possibilities and make your choice!

Accommodation in the region can also be booked via and

You can also easily check out hotels, cottages and camping and other accommodation options in Parikkala.


Hotel Fireman Center

Online reservation

Hotel Laatokan Portti

Hotel Restaurant Kägöne

Hotel Restaurant Lohikontti


Karelian Lomatuvat

Kiiveri Holiday Cabins

Mikkolanniemi Activity Centre

Muikkulahti ja Loikonsaaren lomahuvilat

Oronmylly Conference and Recreation Centre

Papinniemi Camping

Parikkala Caravan Park

Pistoniemi Cottages


Saaren Rantamaja

Särkisalmi Hunting Lodge

Willa Rautalahti

Online reservation