Wild berries
In Parikkala you can find fantastic possibilities for picking wild berries. The best picking season runs from late July to early October. Dark blue bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) grow in forests throughout Finland, and can be eaten raw or used in pies and cakes. Bright red lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) are even easier to find and pick, but taste quite bitter. You can also find wild strawberries, wild raspberries and cranberries. Go to the forest to find these true jewels of local food! All you need for you berry picking trip is wellies and a berry bucket. Wild berries can be freely picked in Finland's forests under everyman's right, but be careful which varieties you pick, as some berries are poisonous. Other pickers can be asked for advice, but it is considered impolite to gather berries too near other people - or too near homes and gardens.