Pöröpeikon Polku Hiking Trail
Pöröpeikon polku (approximately 3 km) hiking trail runs through all kinds of sceneries in a rugged terrain. The hills make the route demanding. There is a lean-to shelter and a rental sauna by the pond Pörölampi.
Pöröpeikon polku hiking trail is approximately three kilometres long. The route runs through all kinds of sceneries in a rugged terrain. At some points you hike up to the rocky cliffs and then descent into the deep and dark spruce forest. There is a small pond called Pörölampi along the route. By the pond you will find a lean-to shelter, fireplace and a sauna for rent. The Ice Age has left its mark to the nature along the trail. In one place there is a glacial erratic rock standing over the edge of a cliff, and in another place one rock is standing on its top so that only a small portion of the rock touches the ground. In 2010, the storms Asta and Veera changed the scenery, and there’s still some trees cut down by the powerful storms. The terrain is very difficult for forestry works and logging.
There are excellent possibilities for birdwatching along the route. It is also possible to see many forest animals. The moose like to wander in the rugged and rocky hills, and bear tracks have also been spotted. There are plenty of gamefowls and owls. In the thick spruce forests you can, for example, listen to the song of the common chiffchaff.
The sauna by the pond is rented by the association Parikkalan latupiiat ja -pojat. The reservation must be done in advance, and the keys must be picked in advance. Contact information: Parikkalan Latupiiat ja -pojat, tel. +358 50 465 2462 or +358 50 307 481.